Monday, November 22, 2010

Michele Bachmann Won't Back Down On 'Anti-American' Obama, Debunked India Trip Costs (VIDEO)

Bachmann is on the other side of tomorrow but her point about Obama is not far off the mark - looking at his track record he must in some way either hate or truly despise the country in a very clear selfish way. It's healthacre -that's just a tip of the journey into Obamaland - it the ewya he has systematically destoyed our country's economy thorugh the support of the megabanks with over $2 trillionto collapse pur way of life - whywould he do that except ifhe found us all offensive? Not one megabanker has missed a bonus while millions are in foreclosure - not one is in jail, the list goes on. Is Obama anti-american - depends on how you define but don;t reject the concept - is like gays who reject thatare gay or similar self - hate - has his self hate become our downfall
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Velma Hart Laid Off: Woman Who Told Obama Of Financial Fears Loses Her Job

welcome to ObamaLand and the vision of chnage that is Obamanomics - which is totally color blind - it will shaft anyone unless you are not a megabanker
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Heart Health: The Factors That Put Women at Risk for Heart Disease

this article deals with symptoms. Heart disease is exacerbated by stress but can be oversome through diet and I mean a real balanced nutritional diet like HBL and standard exercise. your body is chemical factory and when you create imbalances through bad fuel or externally inducedfactrors like you must compensate - get the right fuel, exercise and your risk plummets - of course doctors don;t make as much money feeding you drugs or therapy but you feel better
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Afghan War Plans Could Cost U.S. Taxpayers An Extra $125 BILLION

It's the Obama Way - so al true true Obamaphiles will begin chanting now please. This begins by putting your hands on your wallets or credit cards and thinking of all the undeserving things you could do with your money - bailout out megabankers to destroy the economy, bailouts for doctors and drug companes to overcharge for services, bailouts for unecessary wars that erode our confidence in public insiutions, bailout illegals for the public services they eat up - schools, medical, etc. the list goes on and on - now select just one OR if youare true acolyte of Obama you take all yourmoeny and spend it all these things at one time and ruin eveything in your life at once - be a true Obamaphile anf follow the WAY
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Friday, November 19, 2010

How Banks Bought Their Own Mortgage Securities During The Housing Boom (CHART)

wow - big surprise - anyone who has been following me knows that the megabanks and Obama's continuing suppport through bailouts, buybacks, and fed policy of pumping them full of money at the expense of the economy is the reason for our economic condition. This is a simple and straight forward method of running up the value of garbage merchandise - it's like laundering money that similar gangsetrs use to clean up the books. The value and nature of the underlying asset is hidden the more it gets packaged and rebundled and as it gets repackaged it gains value. You then insure the newly repackaged products with the garbage assets disguised and them spread them throughout your portfolio knowing they will fail so you can cover your losses through the insurance company. This is racketeering at it's finest - does anyone honestly believe that all those smart guys in the Obama adminstration and the fed don;t know this = are we to assume that all that leadership is mentally bankrupt that they don't get it? The answer is no - Obama and the fed under his direction are feeding these financial criminals - literally paying them off - think of this as a racket. Obama could have stopped all this when he took office but no - he became a dupe in 3Q08 when he bought the initial story of "financial meltdown" that never existed but now he is a clear accomplice to the looting of america.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Elected House Minority Leader

when you're brain dead - sometimes it just doesn;t matter how far you sink
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Wells Fargo 'Nightmare' For Homeowner Applying For Help Under Administration's Anti-Foreclosure Program

the only way to bring down the megabanks is too being down Obama and the Fed. Don;t get confused about cash flows, econ policy and cultural elite that dominates econ activity. the megabanks devastated the eocnomy and then were pumped with Obama money directly, through indirect kickbacks, fed free money, etc to the tune of over $2 trilion so far. THis money is what destroyed the economy as the banks absorbed the funds to cover debts and froze credit and business/personal cash flows, wrecking the econ. THis money is given without conditions, accoountability, etc. - literally paying gangsters off and the discovering that they takes your money and continue to be gangsters - wow a shock
About Foreclosures
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Wells Fargo 'Nightmare' For Homeowner Applying For Help Under Administration's Anti-Foreclosure Program

THe important piece is that this another Obama megabank bailout deisgned to shaft the coinsumer and enure that the megabanker either steals the property or squeezes the homeowner till they bleed. this is all part of Obama's process with megabanks tomake sure that they profit at the expense of the american people. He balied them out and they got taxpayer bonuses, he had the fed the stuff them with more free money and they collapsed the economy and froze credit in the country. This is amazingly simple - Obama's econ plan maintains the econ devastation of the country by supporting the megabanks over the people - there never was an econ meltdown nor is there any evidence of one. THere is only Obama pumping over$2 trillion into megabanksto maintain theirprofits while the country sinks
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Fed Policymakers 'Do Not Understand Risk' Says Taleb

Taleb is close but misses the entire impact current Fed and Obama decisions or perhaps this article is being framed to avoid discussion of anything anti-obama - an unfortunate failing of an otherwise excellent HP staff. The fed starting under Bush and then accelerated with steroids under Obama wrecked the economy. The megabanks should have been placed into receivership, their management gutted. the companies restructured and current mortgages refied by simply modifying the interest rate automaticaly. This an a few other simple steps would have prevented collapse. Obama could have stopped everything by just taking and advocating these steps - he didin;t based on the guidance of Tim and Ben and a small cultural elite. Obama wrecked the eocnomy to reward a small group of megabankers, fed insiders and govt econ advisors - all strangely from the same cultural group. THis has noithing to do with the 30s - to even mention the together is designed to mislead the reader - this isn't 1930 nor is the psychology of people the same. there was no fianncial meltdown or crisis - there was small group of the same cultural group working to save each other at the expense of the american people. One person canmake a difference and one group can leverage the world economy
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

'Mike & Molly,' The Sitcom About People Who Happen To Be Fat

glorifying fat - ranks right up there with lets do a show at the heigth of unemployment about how america ships jobs to India and call it outsourced. Think of the millions that go into production and this is all they can come with. Buy a cjicken - see all that yellowish stuff, buy some some - see all that white stuff. buypork see all thatwhitestuff --that's fat - now imangine 50 pounds of that disgusting stuff sround your middle and your internal organs just like marblingwe'll make your bad lifesyle into a show for kids
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Health Insurer PacifiCare Faces Up To $9.9 Billion In Fines For Nearly A Million Alleged Health Care Violations

this is unbelieveable - additional benefits cost additonal money -- can you believe it - who inthe Obama adminstrationcould have figured this out - it is soooo if i give$2 trillion to bad banks they will only stay bad -- another really complex issue. Notice the second costdriver - medical costs. This is theunrestrained costs of docs, hosp and drug companies. Instead of complasinign about govt mnadated price supports (insurance) start understanding that it is yourdoctor and his businessmodel that's the problem
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Monday, June 14, 2010

Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children Of Illegals

Sounds great - anchor babies is an accurate term for the reason illegals stay lomg aftertheir personal need. Don;t know who the author of this article is butthey totally worng there is nothing in the constitution that says children bron to ilegals is a citizens - in fact the constitution says next to noithing about citizenship qualfiications - the author mighttry actualy readin the docuemnt. Several decisions about ciutizenship have been brought to court - the big ones around slavery, etc. but there has been no case regarding illegals and citizenship. The US uses an old ebeglish doctrine to normally define the absis for citzenship but there is no distinct constutional law on this particular question and it certainly does NOT say iantying in the constitution
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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Feds Didn't Do Enough To Avoid 'Poisonous' AIG Bailout And Now Changing Story To Defend It, Watchdog Says

Remeber that period? They came up with the giveaways ys to make sure their friends got their yearly bonuses. It came to Bush - he was leaving so he didn;t care and Obama said yes he supported the baiouts and the when he came into office a few months later he expanded and never questioned any of the bailouts or taxed the bonuses - nothing.. These bailouts and the $2 trilion in giveaways are Obama's fault, the collapse of the economy is Obama's fault - unemploymnet, foreclosures, loan remod program, stimullus, - all total failures and all Obama's fault. I don;t care what you want to blame on Bush - wars, taxes, lies, whatever BUT this economic catastrophe is entirely of Obama's doing every bit of it. If he had taken the opportunity to reorg the financial sector in Feb 09 we would be past all this and be better for it. The reason we're not is Obama's fault. I do not understand why people have these ignorance blinders on - Bush and Obama are the two presidents we'ev ever had in over 200 years
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor, To Meet With Obama This Week

An additional $500 million - wow. To put that in perspective - Goldman Sachs paid itself over $6 BILLION in taxpayer funded bonuses from Obama. That's 12x the amount he is putting into this problem just for bonuses. Which were designed to compensate for their failure to their job. Guess that's where the similarity with immigration comes in.
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Barney Frank: 'As A Jew' I'm 'Ashamed' Over Treatment Of Palestinians

This is a challenge and a dilemma. Why would Barney Frank as a Jew feel ashamed of Israel. Israel is a separate, secular country -not part of the US and we are not responsible for their actions (although we pay for most of them). Is Barney an american or not or is he a closet Israeli to the exclusion of balanced policy for our country? This is one of the pillars of the new anti-semitism - who do Jews owe their loyalties too - Israel or the country where they have citizenship. Simliar to the old catholic and the pope bigotry. Barney doesn't come from Israel, his family doesn't, etc. but he also needs to undetrstand why he feels this way and ask if it has influenced his policy decisions, conceiveably to the detrement of larger US foreign policy goals? We should all use an incident like this for good and try to understand if we have been turning a blind eye to behaviors we should be trying to change. Have we been feeding trying to save Israel for solong from itself thatwe have in fact now become part of the problem? Maybe not trying to save it is the best way to help. Whether it's a friend or a country maybe having too many life perservers means you never learn how to swim.
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Deficit Eclipses Jobs In Congress: 'Nickel-And-Diming The Most Fragile People'

It's right there up front - nothing hidden perhaps glasses? Also this is a standard political practice used by allparties since power jocking came into existence - which means the negining of time. Your just discovering that things in your local, state and federal goevremnet don;t always run on merit and purity. Wow. you must believe that Bush invaded Iraq for a reason worth tens of thousands of wounded, over a trillion dollars and 100,00 dead men, women and children in Iraq. Despite all the facts you probably think he and Obama are not crooks and liars - off the meds - this is nothing - focus on $2 trillion in giveaways tot he banks - if destroying the american economy hasn;t wrecked him - this won't - the american people supported Bush raining death on Iraqi children and they supported Obama and trillions to bankers to line their pockets and wreck the economy. why do we do this things i don;t know. why do we support this self-destruction - i don;t know.
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Friday, May 28, 2010

Reid, Pelosi: Nobody's To Blame For Jobs Bill Failure

There is no one to blame for this issue because there should be no issue - there should be no job bills, no massive unemployment benefits, no issue of this magnitude? Why not. Because is Obama had done his job there would no economic collapse of our fifnancial infrastructure. The reason it collapsed it Obama. Obama has caused all the misery that ordinary americans are going through - all of it. Obama OKd the inital bank baioouts with Bush and then exploded their range and has continued to feed these beasts while they absorbed credit and devastated the eocnomy. He could have done the right thing of reorginthe sector, i.e. allowing them to "fail" and redistributing the assets. we would be throug this mess maybe europe would have a heads up - same banks, same issues. This is something Obamaphiles seem totally and i mean totally blind too that it is Obama and his support for the large banks that has destroyed the american dream for millions. Why are you blind to financial reality Obamaphiles, how can you justify over $2 trillion in free giveaways for bonuses to bankers - how long can you live with the lies and not see - you guys are as as a Bushie who believes that we should be in Iraq and there's WMDs out there
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Is The SEC Still Working For Wall Street?

Trick question - right? In the last two years Obama has given away over $2 trillion in taxpayer dollars to the banks to fund failure bonuses, credit collapse, bank debt forgiveness, and they are buying treasuries with our money so that we can pay them to take their money - it's the wonder of Obamaonomics - we pay for our abuse. and it's al overseen by the SEC - filled with Obama appointees.
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chistina Romer, Obama's Economic Adviser, Urges Congress To Do More To Help Economy

Is this woman on meds or just deranged - so far Obama and his posse have pumped over $3 trillion into the economy with no hope of paying anything back - $2 trillion to pay for bankers bonuses and to make sure their debts got paid, $1 trillion for pork stimulus and now an expanding $1 trillion over the next 10 years for deathcare. THe issue is not more money - is what did you do witht he money already alocated. Tops down doesn;t work - Obamaphiles - it's called trickle down or the laffer curve and Ronnie Ray Gun advanced the dems cutit to shreds. With $3 trillion we could hve fixed everything in the United States - bridges, vredit card debt, home loans, everything. But have we got - nothing. except great parties at the hamptons for the bankers.
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Geithner: U.S., Europe Broadly Agree On Financial Reform Details

Here's everything you need to know - Geithner is bad and very very evil and he is Obama's partner in the destruction of the american economy and from theit the world economy. In fact in terms of direct impact on out day to day lives - Geithner is probably the most evil and malignant force on the planet. Geithner's hate for our system is so deep that he will do anything to keep his friends in power (banks) and ruin the rest of the world. The fact he is Obama's pet tells you everything about Obama. Thsi is where the bailouts and bonuses - this is the architect along with Bernake of the collapse of american economy - literally this is the guy who destroyed your life and the lives of your family - $2 trillion in giveaways because of this man and we have nothing to show for it - nothing but a ruined economy and bankers giving parties with their bonuses in the Hamptons
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama's War Supplemental: Recent Reports Strengthen The Case Against It

i hope everyone that this has been a total scre up from the begining. We have done nothing right. Bush and his [people shuldbe water boarded for what they have done tot his country. A trillion and tos of thousands of US dead and wounded for nothing. Who about whther Ieaq had a democracy - be honest who cares and now we're there it will never happen anyway. This is the middle east not kansas. We could have done something in afghan when we started but then the Bushies just had to have a real war in Iraq to make sure the compnaies and the generals and George's ego didn;t look bad when he deployed those troops/ Does nayone remember those days abnd the sickness and hypocrisy of what was said. Obama has become Bush II - sorry left anf right but there is nothing there for us - we need to get out - let the imams take over and deal with a stable reality. Drop your fake rhetoric and just admit it after 10 years, the money, the dead, the lies youwere told and the falsepretense for the whole thing. Has it all been a waste thathas created major security conerns for us? yes - gor up and admit it.
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Revoked Scholarships Surprise College Athletes

All scholarships are pay for performance. The notion that student althetes, especially in revenue generating sports are there for an education is preposterous. Sorry lovers of the big myth. They are coddled, pushed on, grades are taken care of, etc. The student must juggle both demands to get out the door successfuly with a degree. But the key is make sure you do your real job which is to play sports. Is this a big surprise or maybe people just don;t like the taste of it.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Republican Charles Djou Wins House Seat In Obama's Home District

Hey Steele and the Reps - i know this is a post but your victories can be simple - bailouts bailouts bailouts with a dash of healthcare, stimulus and 15% real unemploymntt carefully seasoned with mass foreclosures and a failed remod loan program and bank profits and bonuses. Simmer lightly and market constantly. Win every time - get away from fighting populist issues - fianancial reform - you want to win focus on Obama's quantifiable leaadership failures.
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

Obama is Obama and Carville and Matthews are just waking that this how he does business - no-confrontation, non-leadership and it will go away. These guys have been on meds so long come out must be quite a shock - welcome to the real world. Bailing out banks for no reason, bailing out docs and drug companies, tax hikes, bankers bonuses, 15% unemployment, stagnant economy, non-stimulus pork, mass foreclosures, failed loan mod program, $2 trillion in giveaways, and the list goes on and on. Welcome Jim and Chris - welcome - i know what reality looks like but keep off the meds for a while and take a good long look - you might considertaking off the sunglasses too
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Analysis: Markets Won't Wait For EU On Debt

I believe that medication might in order or perhaps you are waiting for the healthcare bailout knwon as Obamacare. Quick reality refresher - there never was a financial meltdown in the US. In Oct 08 Bush with his flair for failure invited the candidates to go over the throw money at a problem solution. Oddly the dem way to think through a problem. Obama was quick to say and McCain said no then waffled into a yes. This green lighted the bailout process. Obama's first and most important failure - then when he took office to compounded the failure by expanding the bailout program and has given away over $2 trillion to banks which froze credit and collapsed the market as a thank you. This has been done by Obama, a dem and he never proposed any real financial reform until his numbers fell. Ifhe acted like a leader or simply anyone with common sense - we are out here - he would said no and worked to reorg the banks and the system when he came into office - he didn;t and still hasn't. The Euro mess is a follow from US banks that could have benn stopped if he had acted in feb 09. The reason the market is up and down is the same bailout banks are doing micro manipulations via computer trading. Obama's failure is our failure and now the world's - except for his savvy banking buddies.
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Friday, May 21, 2010

U Of Illinois Trustees OK Tuition Hike, $620,000 Michael Hogan Salary

The dilemma in the educational area is one faced by the entire public sector, which is in the next in line to fall apart because of greed. Salaries and benefit packages for administrative positions have risen astronomically without taxpayer notice in the past decade. This is the hidden tax the schools carry. Same thing is going on in hosp in the private sector. These salaries ahve been approved by local pols or trustee much like the absentee Board of Directors in the private sector. Students and taxpayers will face "tution" / tax increases or insitutional deficits as a result of this inflation. The only way to change is to bite the bullet and cust salaries and even more importantly banefit packages at all levels. At the high end we are talking 30 - 50 %. The people won;t go anywhere - they already have such a sweet deal. Our local school district (K-12) superintendent make over $200k a year plus bennies and teachers only pay 25%into their benefit packages and the state picks up the rest. No suprise taxpayer - youre getting the shaft brought not by banks but by the local guys you voted in office.
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Financial Reform News Sends Big Bank Stocks Up (CHART)

This is exactly what you would expect - Obama got what he wanted - a piece of watered down useless legislation to act as political cover for his incompetenceonthe bailouts and bonuses and wrecking the eocnomy, the banks got what they wanted (dont; listen to their crying that's part of the drama) - political cover for their greed, arrogance and criminal behavior. Everybody in power wins and all the other 95% of america loses - that is the Obama Way. Can anyone say "healthcare" ?
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Focus on This: Merkley-Levin Did Not Get a Vote

i don't understand Simon. Did you expect it too. This was all handled in classic Obama style - he got the show he wanted and non-substance he wanted and you media types fed him all along the way with the use of the word reform. Consumers have to produce paystubs at a time when Fannie and freddie already require Tax returns that sent from the IRS and there is no lending but bankers continue with free money bailouts and bonuses. This is similar to "healthcare". All flash and media and no substance except the back end of the stick. Obama intitated- Obama orchestrated - Obama completed for media hype. The key - the banks still got over a trillion in giveaways, there was no meltdown, there were billions in taxpayer financed bonuses and no real change for anything they have done in the past in this bill except to make life more cumbersome for the consumer.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Goldman Sachs SEC Settlement Could Hit $5 BILLION: Fox Business Network

Remember this is Obamas SEC - the head of the SEC was one of the people told specifically about the Madoffpyramid scheme but did nothing out of poliical fear of reprecussions and she was rewarded for her cowardice by a promotion similar to the bankers and the bailouts. the economic impact of GS frauds is tough to calculate because while the bailouts, bonuses, 100% payback on bad debt (AIG), free money - all agreed to by Obama are fairly clear. It's how they interacted with the large banks and caused the collapse of economy in the US and other countries - that's tougher to calculate and how if Obama had done his job in Feb 09 that we would be through this and GS would be stable now. The cowardice of the SEC and kissy face practices with the cos it's supposed to regulate is well known - criminal allegations shold never be dropeed and any civil deal should be at the highest end and come with stipulations of absolute compliance in the criminal probe
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Monthly Drop In Lending By Biggest Bailed-Out Banks

Do you expect anything else? I find the notion that this is anything but exactly what we deserve to be hilarious. The financial crisis was a myth so these banks could dump bad debt and not suffer any consequences. Their frontmen were Bernake and Tim G and confederates were paulson, bush and Obama and then Mccain. Remember Obama agreed to the bailouts. If he hadn't Bush would have never gone through with them and when he came to power Obama expanded and added to the giveaways. The banks absorbed all the credit and colapsed the economy while giving themselves bonuses and Obama did nothing - sorry Obamaphiles. Concurrently, Obama nationalized the home lending business and now 95% of all loans go through Freddie or Fannie and they are broke because they absorbed all the bad debt - hence no lending is currently possible. So we stuffed the banks with money and let the funding mechanism go broke. Housing like cars is fundamental to the economy and by destroying it - the economy fell apart. I don;t think people understand what Obama did and how everything links directly to them.So we shot ourselves to reward criminal behavior- what message did this send. Thanks Obama for bringing the change you promised, Ijust thought it would change for the better. My mistake.
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Primary Results Upend Both Established Politics And Political Establishment

The Tea Party wins in every election! Unlike what HP and the media paint - the tea party movement is about real change and ousting incumbents that worked our common good - so basically all of them. It is not conservative or liberal. There are no leaders or platforms - those people are simply opportunists that want to take a label. Vote all incumbents and reshuffle the deck if you to give change a chance. To send the same people to deal with the same madman will produce the same results - Bush or Obama - 2 never endings wars we should never have started, bank bailouts and bonuses that Obama started (yeshe did guys), a stagnant economy of his making, mass unemployment, foreclosures - all of his economic planning. healthcare that does nothing for cost or quality of care, etc. In the last 24 years the congressional lemmings have brought us disaster after disaster, In the previous 8 years the same thing. They all follow the tune of whoever is in power. Let's look for strong people who can act independently - stop the insanity - vote out al incumbents - and demand a real debate about issues with facts - now we have no debate from either side and see where we are - this is what lies and smears buy you - mass econ destruction and the bad guys are give bailouts for it andnobody says anything for 2 years - this is nuts.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Richard Blumenthal Vietnam Controversy: What He Can Learn From Bruce Caputo

Of course you can put a mask on truth - you just need to be higher up the food chain to get away with it - Blumenthal's machine isn;t big enough. Just ask Bush, Obama, Bernake, Tim G, the heads of all large banks, etc. Key here is that he was in the military - so he's not a total flake. He has some good advice - just fess to the misstatements - heck there was so much draft evasion back then - it was a way of life and the reserves advertised themselves as a way to avoid going to Vietnam - just ask George. Different times back then. If this issue gets him knocked out, he's got something bigger hidden in the closet somewhere.
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Mark Souder RESIGNS Over Affair With Aide Tracy Jackson (VIDEO)

Another hypocrite bites the dust - I just love how these guys go through all this phony contrition - classic american - declare your guilt, minimize its valur and throw yourself open for forgiveness. Works for all of them Ted Kennedy to this guy. Mostly these are all about sex and most are from those who advance anti-sex, religious attitudes - like the rent a boy guy. I believe it is the nature of power that these people, all politicians and corp heads, etc. hold this duality. They honestly believe they are functionally than "regular" people and they are exempt from the rules that generally govern our behavior. In this way they can say one thing and do another and suffer no guilt - literally they don;t see it unless it comes to light. The two wars we have, bankers bailouts and bonuses, massive unemployment and foreclorsure, healthcare that does nothing for health - you pick and make your own list. They are not stupid - they all know their actions are wrong and even criminal but they don;t care. Really the Dems or the Reps literally don;t care and don;t see it. People in power are wrapped up in their own power and blind. Vote out al incumbents in 2010 - all
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Primary Results In Kentucky, Arkansas, And Pennsylvania Will Have National Significance

The diapers comment is one everyone should harken too and the realted on by the other voter. First is the one of action and the other the oneofapathy and complacency. The one that says incukmbents are smater and know more - they are better equipped to stay than a newcomer. In the last 10 years, incumbents have brought us 2 unnecessary wars, $500 billion in deficit medicare, massive tax cuts for the rich, over a trillion in unnecessary and uneeded bailouts and bonuses to bankers, pork barrel stimulus, a stagnant economy, and deficit busting healthvare to reward doc and drug companies - can we handle act 3? Democrat Coleman in Penn hit ti dead on - except polticians are dirty diapers. If you real change - reshuffle the deck and quit thinking your guy has some virtues the others don;t - vote them all out in 2010.
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Monday, May 17, 2010

HAMP Update: Twice As Many Homeowners Kicked Out Of Obama Foreclosure Program As Given Permanent Relief, New Data Show

Stop - quick rewind. For thoseof you who read my comments and reply - take note. Another nail in the reality coffin. First Obama gives them over a trillion in giveaways (yes Obama approved and expanded and implmented this porgram). The banks took the money based on the Big Lie of a financial meltdown and filled their coffers and gave themselves bonuses for bilking the US Government. they collapse the economy by absorbing all the credit and unemplymnet and foreclosures mount. Obama as part of the giveaway program sets up a scam loan remod program which is really a front so that banks can unload bad to loans to fannie and freddie and get kickbacks when they do a remod, then Obama the homeowner tax credit - an indirect bank subsidy further eliminating any interest the bank's interest in doing anything good for their customers. In a nutshell they create a false crisis to dump bad product, the government bails them out and then they swoop back into the market flush with cash and every incentive to make the situation worse. Bang - you have massive foreclosures and millions of americans with their dreams shattered while bankers are laughing and partying in the Hamptons. One thing could have changed this - one simple thing - Executive leadership in Feb 08 and Obama failed the test.
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K Street Protest: Dozens Storm D.C. Bank Branches, Block K Street Intersection

More, More, More - we are sheep - this is only a scratch to what people did on the 30s to protect their rights. We need people in all 50 states and the neighborhopods where these jackals live doing this. Congratulations americans and excercise your right to protest and exercise your right to vote and vote out all incumbents in 2010.
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Goldman Sachs Publicly Supports Financial Reform, But Fights It With Lobbyists

They are following the lead of the Obama adminstration - giving away over a trillion to banks in giveaways and bonuses and then after they've gotten their bonuses and his poll numbers are down requesting financial reform. And for those who love to comment and tell me this is a Bush issue - stop rewriting facts. Obama backed the smaller inital TARP and said so and when he took office, expanded it and drove it through congress bigger than ever. He could have stopped everything but he didn;t he backed it and it's his issue. Had to get that off my chest. This isn't a Bush Bad - Obama Good world. The bankers involved are thoroughly corrupt but they don;t see it - Blankfein at GS thinks he's working for God's prupose. They have also been fed continual hypocrisy and mixed signals from the government in the last 24 months. All this has done is feed the beast. We wouldn't be having this discussion without the bailouts - they all would been reorged and our economy would be on track. Instead they now dominate over 50% of our financial activity doing what they have been rewarded by us to do. So is GS filled with hypocrisy and two faced liars that distorted our economy and cost millions their homes and livelihoods - yes. Welcome to power politics and for those of you who think the leader you elected, past or present, is somehow untarnished and opur of heart - move
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Major Loophole In Senate Financial Reform Bill, Derivatives Reform May Be Illusory

And you expected something different from Obamacrats? and the brand of hyporcrisy they dish out - second only to Bushain hypocrisy of the previous admin. These are the guys that have given over one trllion taxpayer dollars to these banks for their sole purpose of collapsing the US economy and then profiting from it. The Obamacrats did that in Feb 08. So after over a trillion in free money, bonuses, bailouts, etc. these same banks control the economy again. Now how can that be if they were weak and fragile they needed our bucks so bad. Better ask Tim G and Obama about that lie too, What can you expect Obamacrats to do but continue their lies and hypocrisy - driven primarily by Obama. This is the same process they have used on all major legislation - uncluding healthcare.
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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Secretive Speed Traders In Spotlight After Flash Crash On Wall Street

In short the market dropped and people lost more of their retirement and earning power because Obama gave over a trillion to the banks who specialize in these transactions. The dip wouldn;t have occured without GS and their Ilk and they wouldn;t be around if Obama hadn't stopped market forces by propping up the banks with our money so they and Obama could willfully and with malice destroy our economy. No to mention getting billions in bonuses from taxpayers for throwing them out of their homes. Another gold star for Obama and his savvy cohorts.
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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Petition For Unemployment Benefits Goes Viral, Garners 26,000 Signatures

I wouldn't sign such a petition and it shows how weak americans have become - have the govt bail me out! You'd think that as Americans and taxpayers that we were friends of Obama's like the banks and could just get bailouts and bonuses and free money and have debt go away just because they have failed to do their job. Shame on the americans who signed that petition - next time they think they have as many rights for fair and just treatment and as the head of Goldman Sachs - they should be flogged. Not everyone can be a firend of Obama
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Illinois Budget Crisis: Program To Help Seniors Shut Down Due To Lack Of Payment From State

It's Illinois so a letter to the man who made the collapse of the eocnomy possible and continues to erode every shred of economic vitality - their man on the spot - Obama. He gave their money to the bankers so they could give themselves fat bonus at the expense of the taxpayer and the overall economy - now they ride high and we sink lower and Obama calls them his savvy friends. Seniors you don;thave your program and poverty levels for skyocket to 30% of all kids in Chicago - your man's certainly is the symbol and beacon for hope and change - how much more can you stomach?
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Onetime-Longshots Sestak, Halter May Unseat Incumbent Senate Democrats

All incumbents must go - forget the media labels - all of them. the incumbents have either voted with Obama to bail out banks and give away tax dollars to bonus and raise our taxes for free trillion dolllar healthacre or they have been so blindly obastructionist nothing coherent has challenged Obama and his lunacy lemmings. Either way - they all must go - you want chnage america? then vote out al incumbents - reshuffle the deck and lket's see what happpens - could it be any worse than Obama and his bank bailouts which caused our economy to collapse and the blind ignorance and arrogance of leadership we have now
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Afghan War Costs Now Outpace Iraq's

what's the point of this article. WE have never had anything approaching rationality before or during Iraq and Afghanistan - why stop now. Just because it's Obama and not Bush - did you expectanything different? You can;t have a strategy when you are in the worng place at the wrong time for no reason whatsoever except to kill people for some unknown reason.. There is no strategy to develop. From a military point of view - this entire last 10 years has been one ridiculous screw up - in every way. We have spent a trillion dollars killed over 100,000 men, women and children and wil be treating hundred of thousands of vetrans for the 60 years for the damage they have endured. For what - what real, practical. quantifiable, positive change have we wrought - not platitiudes.
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Andrew Cumo Investigating Whether Banks Duped Rating Agencies

:et's be sure we're factually clear. All these institutions were on the precipice of being reorganized by public recognition of fraud, bad managament and potentially criminal activity. This normalization, not meldown, was halted by first Bush and then totally by Obama. He paid off all debts 100 cents on the dollar, bailed them out to the tune of well over a trillion, (direct, free money, debt payments, foreclosure kickbacks, tac credits, etc.). This process of government perverted the market and the process of normalization was halted and the banks rewarded themselves with bonus and absorbed all the credit and collapsed the economy. Obama did this and he did it on purpose and the the banks he paid off became his business savy friends tah were justified in everything they did and they have become once again the dominant financial institutions (58% of the economy) and now Obama has asked for action after all his polls slipped. But Obama has paid off the bankers to keep his job abd beenhiding their criminal misdeeds, the question is why? Do we have a collusion of criminals at the highest levels of our governemnt, the Fed and the banks while we pay the price in lives, health, jobs, homes, they relax at the Hamptons with billions in bonuses for failure.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Real Misery Index April 2010: Underemployment Woes Lead To Two-Tier Economy

For those who are my fans or read my blog - you know this is what I have been talking about since the rise of Obama and the bailouts. Because Obama would not let the economy adjust itself through normal methods and gave away well over a trillion dollars to the banks who then collapsed the economy - yes they collapsed the eocnomythere was no financial meltdown - Obama lie. and gave themselves bonuses - this is the core of theproblem - Obama is a bad leader and does bad things - not even for good reasons - he just he just wortthless. For those of you jumping up and down - Bush was a lso a terrible leader and lied and killed, etc. Happy. But Obama has created this disaster.
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Long-Term Unemployment: The Bad News In The Jobs Report

I think it's important to put two and two together and get somewhere reasonably close to 4. Number One after 2 years of Obamanomics we are actually worse off than before except for the giveaways to bankers and pork barrel stimulus that was and is being used to artifcially inflate areas of the economy. Number Two, our deficits are now so huge we make Greece look like an overdrawn bank account at the same time as massive unemploymnet, foreclosures and no growth. Number Three, we are continuing massive spending with no hope of recovery which will mean that after special interests carve up their fair share you and I will will higher taxes - local, state and fed. Number Four - the states are mostly bankrupt - look at their liabilities and pension structures -- you can now make more sucking off the govt teat than being in the private sector. These factors spell disaster - all driven and supported by House of Cards Obama. Obama has siunglehandedly made a bad situation with a few banks a complete and total nightmare and insured the collapse of the american economy - it took Bush 8 years to do this much damage. Of the two Iam not sure whois more talented. But I do know who is brain damaged - the american voter who swallows their pap
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Disorganization At Banks Causing Mistaken Foreclosures

The title of this article is misleading. Banks have little disorganization in these matters - what they have is carefullly crafted legislation designed to prolong the process and force people out of thweir houses so the banks can steal their equity on the resale and collect direct and indirect sibsidizes. Obama constructed the loan modification program to be so cumbersome and filled with perks for banks that many people go into foreclosure and have their lives destroyed while the bank profits. Could he have just declared done something like lowered interest rates on al lonas to 4% and froze them to help people as a price for bailing the banks- sure but he didn't. Each loan is processed individually, there are tens of thousands and the process is complex. Obama subsidizes banks with kickbacks on any new loans, then indirectly subsidizes them with the new buyers credit to encourage banks to speed the foreclosure process. The Obama program has been simple - construct the financial meltdown myth to buy off banks with our money, nationalize home loans (95% of all loans go through FannieMae) and then build a process so cumbersome it continues to wreck the american economy by stealing people's dreams. This process could have been simple - don;t help the big banks, reorg them, help taxpayers and we would be through this instead of the government supporting the desvastation of our country - almost with glee as the dems enact programs for which we have no money.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Former Bear Stearns Chiefs, Ignoring Firm's Faults, Blame Collapse On 'Unjustified', 'Irrational', 'Unfounded' 'Rumors' And 'Speculation'

Ilove this - remeber there is not a sgred of evidence - none - that there was anything in the nature of a financial meltdown - this is a total myth created by the Tim G, Obama and the rest of the banks that got bailout loans to justify their bonuses and their concerted efforts to disrupt and destroy the economy for their own personal greed and ends. Schwarz, Blankfein, Geithner - do you see a continuous trend here - if not look up the names and affiliations of AIG and the others. Why are these people so focused on greed and spectulation they would seek to ruin this country? Don;t know. Just know they are in bed with Obama. So with 10% unemployment, massive foreclosures, no growth, depressed home prices, no jobs - rmember that all of this woculd have been averted - al of it - if Obama had not gone alone with and expanded the bank giveaway program. All these leeches ahve taken over 50% of the US total financial market now, destroyed the home loan industry by making it was de facto nationalized and insured theye will continue getting free money and direct and indirect tax subsidiezes while america suffers - Thank you Mr. President for doing sucha great job.
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stop Robert Rubin Before He Kills Again

Sorry Dan but unless you've been on a cloud since Nov 08 - Obama has been in bed with Rubin, Geithner, the bailouts, the banks and all their bonuses. He never left - he makes Bush and his hypocrisy about Iraq pale in comparison. It took 8 years to do what Obama did to the Treasury with a stroke of the pen. Why do you act as if there is something strange. Obama is simply more than the usual politician making decisions of convenience - he literally makes them with bald faced hypocrisy that only the mentally deficient could miss. $1 trillion to thebanks and their bonuses and does nothing for 18 months - when his poll numbers are in the toilet - he proposes weak kneed reform. What in the american psyche lately makes us select leaders who are not only weak morally and ethically but are funamentally corrupt inthe deepest sense ofthe word. First Bush and now Obama
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Arizona Ethnic Studies Classes Banned, Teachers With Accents Can No Longer Teach English

Sounds OK - what's the issue after you take a deep breath? It tries to take out racisim and treat everyone on an equal footing. I'm nt sure what promoting mexican american ethnis soldiarity has to do with educational process and it should go along with similar classes. And what is wriong withhaving teachers who can be understood by the students they're teaching? Have you ever been taught by a first gen Korean or Japanes or Chinese? As a adult at college level it can be challenging enough but for a tech subject for a high or middle schooler. Not taken overboard like this article suggests to drum up sympathy for their cause attempts - where's the crux of the issue? Without emotion please?
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Top Senate Democrat Questions Obama Foreclosure Program's Effectiveness

Gow can you question something's effectiveness - the implication is that is had been effective. Obama's Forecloure plan, which is actually another subsidy to his savvuy banking friends has been a failure. All loans and loan criteria are now controlled and owned by the governemnt - that's right - there is virtually no private lending going on in this country since Obama nationalised the loan business. 95% of al loans go through Fannie Mae r Freddie Mac. 95% . Loan criteria or better stated as Obama loan requirments as he is responsbile is ridiulous while he has over $1 Trillion in free money and subsidies to bankers and they have made in billions in bonuses bilking Americans and destroying the eocnomy. While he said to us that these are savvy business men and his friends who deserve to destroyt ourlives and our country - it is clear the Obama only wants to make sure the rich stay rich and he wants to make he devastates the middle class - this is plan for the total destruction of the eocnomy - every majorhe has undertaken has been designed to ruin our way of life. Why? I have no idea - bailouts, stimulus, climate change, healthcare - all design to explode the deficit
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Frank Rich: Wall Street 'Laughing All The Way To The Bank'

Hey anybody out there get it yet - there never was a financial crisis or meltdown - never. There was only a small group conected by cultural and business interests that got paqid off by Tim G at the NYC Fed. That's why there were no srings, no accountability, etc. The banks took massive tax payer dollars and absorbed the available credit and collapsed the economy. This could all have been stopped and the economy recentered if Obama had not endorsed the banks and Tim Gs unethical and immoral and illegal bnehavior and put over $1 trillion into their hands for nothing. This entire economic mess is Obama's fault - his lies on all issues is on par with the likes of Bush II. Vote out all incumbents in 2010 - shoot all the CEOs of all major banks, tax all the bonuses banks hgave their emplouess into t he ground.
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