Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mark Souder RESIGNS Over Affair With Aide Tracy Jackson (VIDEO)

Another hypocrite bites the dust - I just love how these guys go through all this phony contrition - classic american - declare your guilt, minimize its valur and throw yourself open for forgiveness. Works for all of them Ted Kennedy to this guy. Mostly these are all about sex and most are from those who advance anti-sex, religious attitudes - like the rent a boy guy. I believe it is the nature of power that these people, all politicians and corp heads, etc. hold this duality. They honestly believe they are functionally than "regular" people and they are exempt from the rules that generally govern our behavior. In this way they can say one thing and do another and suffer no guilt - literally they don;t see it unless it comes to light. The two wars we have, bankers bailouts and bonuses, massive unemployment and foreclorsure, healthcare that does nothing for health - you pick and make your own list. They are not stupid - they all know their actions are wrong and even criminal but they don;t care. Really the Dems or the Reps literally don;t care and don;t see it. People in power are wrapped up in their own power and blind. Vote out al incumbents in 2010 - all
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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