Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stop Robert Rubin Before He Kills Again

Sorry Dan but unless you've been on a cloud since Nov 08 - Obama has been in bed with Rubin, Geithner, the bailouts, the banks and all their bonuses. He never left - he makes Bush and his hypocrisy about Iraq pale in comparison. It took 8 years to do what Obama did to the Treasury with a stroke of the pen. Why do you act as if there is something strange. Obama is simply more than the usual politician making decisions of convenience - he literally makes them with bald faced hypocrisy that only the mentally deficient could miss. $1 trillion to thebanks and their bonuses and does nothing for 18 months - when his poll numbers are in the toilet - he proposes weak kneed reform. What in the american psyche lately makes us select leaders who are not only weak morally and ethically but are funamentally corrupt inthe deepest sense ofthe word. First Bush and now Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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