Thursday, June 10, 2010

Feds Didn't Do Enough To Avoid 'Poisonous' AIG Bailout And Now Changing Story To Defend It, Watchdog Says

Remeber that period? They came up with the giveaways ys to make sure their friends got their yearly bonuses. It came to Bush - he was leaving so he didn;t care and Obama said yes he supported the baiouts and the when he came into office a few months later he expanded and never questioned any of the bailouts or taxed the bonuses - nothing.. These bailouts and the $2 trilion in giveaways are Obama's fault, the collapse of the economy is Obama's fault - unemploymnet, foreclosures, loan remod program, stimullus, - all total failures and all Obama's fault. I don;t care what you want to blame on Bush - wars, taxes, lies, whatever BUT this economic catastrophe is entirely of Obama's doing every bit of it. If he had taken the opportunity to reorg the financial sector in Feb 09 we would be past all this and be better for it. The reason we're not is Obama's fault. I do not understand why people have these ignorance blinders on - Bush and Obama are the two presidents we'ev ever had in over 200 years
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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