Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Primary Results Upend Both Established Politics And Political Establishment

The Tea Party wins in every election! Unlike what HP and the media paint - the tea party movement is about real change and ousting incumbents that worked our common good - so basically all of them. It is not conservative or liberal. There are no leaders or platforms - those people are simply opportunists that want to take a label. Vote all incumbents and reshuffle the deck if you to give change a chance. To send the same people to deal with the same madman will produce the same results - Bush or Obama - 2 never endings wars we should never have started, bank bailouts and bonuses that Obama started (yeshe did guys), a stagnant economy of his making, mass unemployment, foreclosures - all of his economic planning. healthcare that does nothing for cost or quality of care, etc. In the last 24 years the congressional lemmings have brought us disaster after disaster, In the previous 8 years the same thing. They all follow the tune of whoever is in power. Let's look for strong people who can act independently - stop the insanity - vote out al incumbents - and demand a real debate about issues with facts - now we have no debate from either side and see where we are - this is what lies and smears buy you - mass econ destruction and the bad guys are give bailouts for it andnobody says anything for 2 years - this is nuts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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