Friday, May 7, 2010

Long-Term Unemployment: The Bad News In The Jobs Report

I think it's important to put two and two together and get somewhere reasonably close to 4. Number One after 2 years of Obamanomics we are actually worse off than before except for the giveaways to bankers and pork barrel stimulus that was and is being used to artifcially inflate areas of the economy. Number Two, our deficits are now so huge we make Greece look like an overdrawn bank account at the same time as massive unemploymnet, foreclosures and no growth. Number Three, we are continuing massive spending with no hope of recovery which will mean that after special interests carve up their fair share you and I will will higher taxes - local, state and fed. Number Four - the states are mostly bankrupt - look at their liabilities and pension structures -- you can now make more sucking off the govt teat than being in the private sector. These factors spell disaster - all driven and supported by House of Cards Obama. Obama has siunglehandedly made a bad situation with a few banks a complete and total nightmare and insured the collapse of the american economy - it took Bush 8 years to do this much damage. Of the two Iam not sure whois more talented. But I do know who is brain damaged - the american voter who swallows their pap
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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