Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another Monthly Drop In Lending By Biggest Bailed-Out Banks

Do you expect anything else? I find the notion that this is anything but exactly what we deserve to be hilarious. The financial crisis was a myth so these banks could dump bad debt and not suffer any consequences. Their frontmen were Bernake and Tim G and confederates were paulson, bush and Obama and then Mccain. Remember Obama agreed to the bailouts. If he hadn't Bush would have never gone through with them and when he came to power Obama expanded and added to the giveaways. The banks absorbed all the credit and colapsed the economy while giving themselves bonuses and Obama did nothing - sorry Obamaphiles. Concurrently, Obama nationalized the home lending business and now 95% of all loans go through Freddie or Fannie and they are broke because they absorbed all the bad debt - hence no lending is currently possible. So we stuffed the banks with money and let the funding mechanism go broke. Housing like cars is fundamental to the economy and by destroying it - the economy fell apart. I don;t think people understand what Obama did and how everything links directly to them.So we shot ourselves to reward criminal behavior- what message did this send. Thanks Obama for bringing the change you promised, Ijust thought it would change for the better. My mistake.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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