Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Primary Results In Kentucky, Arkansas, And Pennsylvania Will Have National Significance

The diapers comment is one everyone should harken too and the realted on by the other voter. First is the one of action and the other the oneofapathy and complacency. The one that says incukmbents are smater and know more - they are better equipped to stay than a newcomer. In the last 10 years, incumbents have brought us 2 unnecessary wars, $500 billion in deficit medicare, massive tax cuts for the rich, over a trillion in unnecessary and uneeded bailouts and bonuses to bankers, pork barrel stimulus, a stagnant economy, and deficit busting healthvare to reward doc and drug companies - can we handle act 3? Democrat Coleman in Penn hit ti dead on - except polticians are dirty diapers. If you real change - reshuffle the deck and quit thinking your guy has some virtues the others don;t - vote them all out in 2010.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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