Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Former Bear Stearns Chiefs, Ignoring Firm's Faults, Blame Collapse On 'Unjustified', 'Irrational', 'Unfounded' 'Rumors' And 'Speculation'

Ilove this - remeber there is not a sgred of evidence - none - that there was anything in the nature of a financial meltdown - this is a total myth created by the Tim G, Obama and the rest of the banks that got bailout loans to justify their bonuses and their concerted efforts to disrupt and destroy the economy for their own personal greed and ends. Schwarz, Blankfein, Geithner - do you see a continuous trend here - if not look up the names and affiliations of AIG and the others. Why are these people so focused on greed and spectulation they would seek to ruin this country? Don;t know. Just know they are in bed with Obama. So with 10% unemployment, massive foreclosures, no growth, depressed home prices, no jobs - rmember that all of this woculd have been averted - al of it - if Obama had not gone alone with and expanded the bank giveaway program. All these leeches ahve taken over 50% of the US total financial market now, destroyed the home loan industry by making it was de facto nationalized and insured theye will continue getting free money and direct and indirect tax subsidiezes while america suffers - Thank you Mr. President for doing sucha great job.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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