Monday, June 14, 2010

Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children Of Illegals

Sounds great - anchor babies is an accurate term for the reason illegals stay lomg aftertheir personal need. Don;t know who the author of this article is butthey totally worng there is nothing in the constitution that says children bron to ilegals is a citizens - in fact the constitution says next to noithing about citizenship qualfiications - the author mighttry actualy readin the docuemnt. Several decisions about ciutizenship have been brought to court - the big ones around slavery, etc. but there has been no case regarding illegals and citizenship. The US uses an old ebeglish doctrine to normally define the absis for citzenship but there is no distinct constutional law on this particular question and it certainly does NOT say iantying in the constitution
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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