Monday, May 17, 2010

HAMP Update: Twice As Many Homeowners Kicked Out Of Obama Foreclosure Program As Given Permanent Relief, New Data Show

Stop - quick rewind. For thoseof you who read my comments and reply - take note. Another nail in the reality coffin. First Obama gives them over a trillion in giveaways (yes Obama approved and expanded and implmented this porgram). The banks took the money based on the Big Lie of a financial meltdown and filled their coffers and gave themselves bonuses for bilking the US Government. they collapse the economy by absorbing all the credit and unemplymnet and foreclosures mount. Obama as part of the giveaway program sets up a scam loan remod program which is really a front so that banks can unload bad to loans to fannie and freddie and get kickbacks when they do a remod, then Obama the homeowner tax credit - an indirect bank subsidy further eliminating any interest the bank's interest in doing anything good for their customers. In a nutshell they create a false crisis to dump bad product, the government bails them out and then they swoop back into the market flush with cash and every incentive to make the situation worse. Bang - you have massive foreclosures and millions of americans with their dreams shattered while bankers are laughing and partying in the Hamptons. One thing could have changed this - one simple thing - Executive leadership in Feb 08 and Obama failed the test.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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