Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama's War Supplemental: Recent Reports Strengthen The Case Against It

i hope everyone that this has been a total scre up from the begining. We have done nothing right. Bush and his [people shuldbe water boarded for what they have done tot his country. A trillion and tos of thousands of US dead and wounded for nothing. Who about whther Ieaq had a democracy - be honest who cares and now we're there it will never happen anyway. This is the middle east not kansas. We could have done something in afghan when we started but then the Bushies just had to have a real war in Iraq to make sure the compnaies and the generals and George's ego didn;t look bad when he deployed those troops/ Does nayone remember those days abnd the sickness and hypocrisy of what was said. Obama has become Bush II - sorry left anf right but there is nothing there for us - we need to get out - let the imams take over and deal with a stable reality. Drop your fake rhetoric and just admit it after 10 years, the money, the dead, the lies youwere told and the falsepretense for the whole thing. Has it all been a waste thathas created major security conerns for us? yes - gor up and admit it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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