Friday, November 12, 2010

Wells Fargo 'Nightmare' For Homeowner Applying For Help Under Administration's Anti-Foreclosure Program

the only way to bring down the megabanks is too being down Obama and the Fed. Don;t get confused about cash flows, econ policy and cultural elite that dominates econ activity. the megabanks devastated the eocnomy and then were pumped with Obama money directly, through indirect kickbacks, fed free money, etc to the tune of over $2 trilion so far. THis money is what destroyed the economy as the banks absorbed the funds to cover debts and froze credit and business/personal cash flows, wrecking the econ. THis money is given without conditions, accoountability, etc. - literally paying gangsters off and the discovering that they takes your money and continue to be gangsters - wow a shock
About Foreclosures
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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