Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Disorganization At Banks Causing Mistaken Foreclosures

The title of this article is misleading. Banks have little disorganization in these matters - what they have is carefullly crafted legislation designed to prolong the process and force people out of thweir houses so the banks can steal their equity on the resale and collect direct and indirect sibsidizes. Obama constructed the loan modification program to be so cumbersome and filled with perks for banks that many people go into foreclosure and have their lives destroyed while the bank profits. Could he have just declared done something like lowered interest rates on al lonas to 4% and froze them to help people as a price for bailing the banks- sure but he didn't. Each loan is processed individually, there are tens of thousands and the process is complex. Obama subsidizes banks with kickbacks on any new loans, then indirectly subsidizes them with the new buyers credit to encourage banks to speed the foreclosure process. The Obama program has been simple - construct the financial meltdown myth to buy off banks with our money, nationalize home loans (95% of all loans go through FannieMae) and then build a process so cumbersome it continues to wreck the american economy by stealing people's dreams. This process could have been simple - don;t help the big banks, reorg them, help taxpayers and we would be through this instead of the government supporting the desvastation of our country - almost with glee as the dems enact programs for which we have no money.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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