Monday, May 17, 2010

Goldman Sachs Publicly Supports Financial Reform, But Fights It With Lobbyists

They are following the lead of the Obama adminstration - giving away over a trillion to banks in giveaways and bonuses and then after they've gotten their bonuses and his poll numbers are down requesting financial reform. And for those who love to comment and tell me this is a Bush issue - stop rewriting facts. Obama backed the smaller inital TARP and said so and when he took office, expanded it and drove it through congress bigger than ever. He could have stopped everything but he didn;t he backed it and it's his issue. Had to get that off my chest. This isn't a Bush Bad - Obama Good world. The bankers involved are thoroughly corrupt but they don;t see it - Blankfein at GS thinks he's working for God's prupose. They have also been fed continual hypocrisy and mixed signals from the government in the last 24 months. All this has done is feed the beast. We wouldn't be having this discussion without the bailouts - they all would been reorged and our economy would be on track. Instead they now dominate over 50% of our financial activity doing what they have been rewarded by us to do. So is GS filled with hypocrisy and two faced liars that distorted our economy and cost millions their homes and livelihoods - yes. Welcome to power politics and for those of you who think the leader you elected, past or present, is somehow untarnished and opur of heart - move
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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