Saturday, May 22, 2010

Analysis: Markets Won't Wait For EU On Debt

I believe that medication might in order or perhaps you are waiting for the healthcare bailout knwon as Obamacare. Quick reality refresher - there never was a financial meltdown in the US. In Oct 08 Bush with his flair for failure invited the candidates to go over the throw money at a problem solution. Oddly the dem way to think through a problem. Obama was quick to say and McCain said no then waffled into a yes. This green lighted the bailout process. Obama's first and most important failure - then when he took office to compounded the failure by expanding the bailout program and has given away over $2 trillion to banks which froze credit and collapsed the market as a thank you. This has been done by Obama, a dem and he never proposed any real financial reform until his numbers fell. Ifhe acted like a leader or simply anyone with common sense - we are out here - he would said no and worked to reorg the banks and the system when he came into office - he didn;t and still hasn't. The Euro mess is a follow from US banks that could have benn stopped if he had acted in feb 09. The reason the market is up and down is the same bailout banks are doing micro manipulations via computer trading. Obama's failure is our failure and now the world's - except for his savvy banking buddies.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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