Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Real Misery Index April 2010: Underemployment Woes Lead To Two-Tier Economy

For those who are my fans or read my blog - you know this is what I have been talking about since the rise of Obama and the bailouts. Because Obama would not let the economy adjust itself through normal methods and gave away well over a trillion dollars to the banks who then collapsed the economy - yes they collapsed the eocnomythere was no financial meltdown - Obama lie. and gave themselves bonuses - this is the core of theproblem - Obama is a bad leader and does bad things - not even for good reasons - he just he just wortthless. For those of you jumping up and down - Bush was a lso a terrible leader and lied and killed, etc. Happy. But Obama has created this disaster.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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