Friday, May 28, 2010

Reid, Pelosi: Nobody's To Blame For Jobs Bill Failure

There is no one to blame for this issue because there should be no issue - there should be no job bills, no massive unemployment benefits, no issue of this magnitude? Why not. Because is Obama had done his job there would no economic collapse of our fifnancial infrastructure. The reason it collapsed it Obama. Obama has caused all the misery that ordinary americans are going through - all of it. Obama OKd the inital bank baioouts with Bush and then exploded their range and has continued to feed these beasts while they absorbed credit and devastated the eocnomy. He could have done the right thing of reorginthe sector, i.e. allowing them to "fail" and redistributing the assets. we would be throug this mess maybe europe would have a heads up - same banks, same issues. This is something Obamaphiles seem totally and i mean totally blind too that it is Obama and his support for the large banks that has destroyed the american dream for millions. Why are you blind to financial reality Obamaphiles, how can you justify over $2 trillion in free giveaways for bonuses to bankers - how long can you live with the lies and not see - you guys are as as a Bushie who believes that we should be in Iraq and there's WMDs out there
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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