Saturday, May 22, 2010

James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy'

Obama is Obama and Carville and Matthews are just waking that this how he does business - no-confrontation, non-leadership and it will go away. These guys have been on meds so long come out must be quite a shock - welcome to the real world. Bailing out banks for no reason, bailing out docs and drug companies, tax hikes, bankers bonuses, 15% unemployment, stagnant economy, non-stimulus pork, mass foreclosures, failed loan mod program, $2 trillion in giveaways, and the list goes on and on. Welcome Jim and Chris - welcome - i know what reality looks like but keep off the meds for a while and take a good long look - you might considertaking off the sunglasses too
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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