Friday, May 21, 2010

U Of Illinois Trustees OK Tuition Hike, $620,000 Michael Hogan Salary

The dilemma in the educational area is one faced by the entire public sector, which is in the next in line to fall apart because of greed. Salaries and benefit packages for administrative positions have risen astronomically without taxpayer notice in the past decade. This is the hidden tax the schools carry. Same thing is going on in hosp in the private sector. These salaries ahve been approved by local pols or trustee much like the absentee Board of Directors in the private sector. Students and taxpayers will face "tution" / tax increases or insitutional deficits as a result of this inflation. The only way to change is to bite the bullet and cust salaries and even more importantly banefit packages at all levels. At the high end we are talking 30 - 50 %. The people won;t go anywhere - they already have such a sweet deal. Our local school district (K-12) superintendent make over $200k a year plus bennies and teachers only pay 25%into their benefit packages and the state picks up the rest. No suprise taxpayer - youre getting the shaft brought not by banks but by the local guys you voted in office.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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