Friday, November 12, 2010

Wells Fargo 'Nightmare' For Homeowner Applying For Help Under Administration's Anti-Foreclosure Program

THe important piece is that this another Obama megabank bailout deisgned to shaft the coinsumer and enure that the megabanker either steals the property or squeezes the homeowner till they bleed. this is all part of Obama's process with megabanks tomake sure that they profit at the expense of the american people. He balied them out and they got taxpayer bonuses, he had the fed the stuff them with more free money and they collapsed the economy and froze credit in the country. This is amazingly simple - Obama's econ plan maintains the econ devastation of the country by supporting the megabanks over the people - there never was an econ meltdown nor is there any evidence of one. THere is only Obama pumping over$2 trillion into megabanksto maintain theirprofits while the country sinks
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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