Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Afghan War Plans Could Cost U.S. Taxpayers An Extra $125 BILLION

It's the Obama Way - so al true true Obamaphiles will begin chanting now please. This begins by putting your hands on your wallets or credit cards and thinking of all the undeserving things you could do with your money - bailout out megabankers to destroy the economy, bailouts for doctors and drug companes to overcharge for services, bailouts for unecessary wars that erode our confidence in public insiutions, bailout illegals for the public services they eat up - schools, medical, etc. the list goes on and on - now select just one OR if youare true acolyte of Obama you take all yourmoeny and spend it all these things at one time and ruin eveything in your life at once - be a true Obamaphile anf follow the WAY
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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