Sunday, May 16, 2010

Major Loophole In Senate Financial Reform Bill, Derivatives Reform May Be Illusory

And you expected something different from Obamacrats? and the brand of hyporcrisy they dish out - second only to Bushain hypocrisy of the previous admin. These are the guys that have given over one trllion taxpayer dollars to these banks for their sole purpose of collapsing the US economy and then profiting from it. The Obamacrats did that in Feb 08. So after over a trillion in free money, bonuses, bailouts, etc. these same banks control the economy again. Now how can that be if they were weak and fragile they needed our bucks so bad. Better ask Tim G and Obama about that lie too, What can you expect Obamacrats to do but continue their lies and hypocrisy - driven primarily by Obama. This is the same process they have used on all major legislation - uncluding healthcare.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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