Monday, November 22, 2010

Michele Bachmann Won't Back Down On 'Anti-American' Obama, Debunked India Trip Costs (VIDEO)

Bachmann is on the other side of tomorrow but her point about Obama is not far off the mark - looking at his track record he must in some way either hate or truly despise the country in a very clear selfish way. It's healthacre -that's just a tip of the journey into Obamaland - it the ewya he has systematically destoyed our country's economy thorugh the support of the megabanks with over $2 trillionto collapse pur way of life - whywould he do that except ifhe found us all offensive? Not one megabanker has missed a bonus while millions are in foreclosure - not one is in jail, the list goes on. Is Obama anti-american - depends on how you define but don;t reject the concept - is like gays who reject thatare gay or similar self - hate - has his self hate become our downfall
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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