Saturday, April 24, 2010

Frank Rich: Wall Street 'Laughing All The Way To The Bank'

Hey anybody out there get it yet - there never was a financial crisis or meltdown - never. There was only a small group conected by cultural and business interests that got paqid off by Tim G at the NYC Fed. That's why there were no srings, no accountability, etc. The banks took massive tax payer dollars and absorbed the available credit and collapsed the economy. This could all have been stopped and the economy recentered if Obama had not endorsed the banks and Tim Gs unethical and immoral and illegal bnehavior and put over $1 trillion into their hands for nothing. This entire economic mess is Obama's fault - his lies on all issues is on par with the likes of Bush II. Vote out all incumbents in 2010 - shoot all the CEOs of all major banks, tax all the bonuses banks hgave their emplouess into t he ground.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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