Thursday, April 29, 2010

Top Senate Democrat Questions Obama Foreclosure Program's Effectiveness

Gow can you question something's effectiveness - the implication is that is had been effective. Obama's Forecloure plan, which is actually another subsidy to his savvuy banking friends has been a failure. All loans and loan criteria are now controlled and owned by the governemnt - that's right - there is virtually no private lending going on in this country since Obama nationalised the loan business. 95% of al loans go through Fannie Mae r Freddie Mac. 95% . Loan criteria or better stated as Obama loan requirments as he is responsbile is ridiulous while he has over $1 Trillion in free money and subsidies to bankers and they have made in billions in bonuses bilking Americans and destroying the eocnomy. While he said to us that these are savvy business men and his friends who deserve to destroyt ourlives and our country - it is clear the Obama only wants to make sure the rich stay rich and he wants to make he devastates the middle class - this is plan for the total destruction of the eocnomy - every majorhe has undertaken has been designed to ruin our way of life. Why? I have no idea - bailouts, stimulus, climate change, healthcare - all design to explode the deficit
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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