Friday, May 21, 2010

Focus on This: Merkley-Levin Did Not Get a Vote

i don't understand Simon. Did you expect it too. This was all handled in classic Obama style - he got the show he wanted and non-substance he wanted and you media types fed him all along the way with the use of the word reform. Consumers have to produce paystubs at a time when Fannie and freddie already require Tax returns that sent from the IRS and there is no lending but bankers continue with free money bailouts and bonuses. This is similar to "healthcare". All flash and media and no substance except the back end of the stick. Obama intitated- Obama orchestrated - Obama completed for media hype. The key - the banks still got over a trillion in giveaways, there was no meltdown, there were billions in taxpayer financed bonuses and no real change for anything they have done in the past in this bill except to make life more cumbersome for the consumer.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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