Saturday, May 29, 2010

Deficit Eclipses Jobs In Congress: 'Nickel-And-Diming The Most Fragile People'

It's right there up front - nothing hidden perhaps glasses? Also this is a standard political practice used by allparties since power jocking came into existence - which means the negining of time. Your just discovering that things in your local, state and federal goevremnet don;t always run on merit and purity. Wow. you must believe that Bush invaded Iraq for a reason worth tens of thousands of wounded, over a trillion dollars and 100,00 dead men, women and children in Iraq. Despite all the facts you probably think he and Obama are not crooks and liars - off the meds - this is nothing - focus on $2 trillion in giveaways tot he banks - if destroying the american economy hasn;t wrecked him - this won't - the american people supported Bush raining death on Iraqi children and they supported Obama and trillions to bankers to line their pockets and wreck the economy. why do we do this things i don;t know. why do we support this self-destruction - i don;t know.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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