Thursday, May 27, 2010

Chistina Romer, Obama's Economic Adviser, Urges Congress To Do More To Help Economy

Is this woman on meds or just deranged - so far Obama and his posse have pumped over $3 trillion into the economy with no hope of paying anything back - $2 trillion to pay for bankers bonuses and to make sure their debts got paid, $1 trillion for pork stimulus and now an expanding $1 trillion over the next 10 years for deathcare. THe issue is not more money - is what did you do witht he money already alocated. Tops down doesn;t work - Obamaphiles - it's called trickle down or the laffer curve and Ronnie Ray Gun advanced the dems cutit to shreds. With $3 trillion we could hve fixed everything in the United States - bridges, vredit card debt, home loans, everything. But have we got - nothing. except great parties at the hamptons for the bankers.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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