Friday, November 12, 2010

Fed Policymakers 'Do Not Understand Risk' Says Taleb

Taleb is close but misses the entire impact current Fed and Obama decisions or perhaps this article is being framed to avoid discussion of anything anti-obama - an unfortunate failing of an otherwise excellent HP staff. The fed starting under Bush and then accelerated with steroids under Obama wrecked the economy. The megabanks should have been placed into receivership, their management gutted. the companies restructured and current mortgages refied by simply modifying the interest rate automaticaly. This an a few other simple steps would have prevented collapse. Obama could have stopped everything by just taking and advocating these steps - he didin;t based on the guidance of Tim and Ben and a small cultural elite. Obama wrecked the eocnomy to reward a small group of megabankers, fed insiders and govt econ advisors - all strangely from the same cultural group. THis has noithing to do with the 30s - to even mention the together is designed to mislead the reader - this isn't 1930 nor is the psychology of people the same. there was no fianncial meltdown or crisis - there was small group of the same cultural group working to save each other at the expense of the american people. One person canmake a difference and one group can leverage the world economy
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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