Thursday, May 13, 2010

Andrew Cumo Investigating Whether Banks Duped Rating Agencies

:et's be sure we're factually clear. All these institutions were on the precipice of being reorganized by public recognition of fraud, bad managament and potentially criminal activity. This normalization, not meldown, was halted by first Bush and then totally by Obama. He paid off all debts 100 cents on the dollar, bailed them out to the tune of well over a trillion, (direct, free money, debt payments, foreclosure kickbacks, tac credits, etc.). This process of government perverted the market and the process of normalization was halted and the banks rewarded themselves with bonus and absorbed all the credit and collapsed the economy. Obama did this and he did it on purpose and the the banks he paid off became his business savy friends tah were justified in everything they did and they have become once again the dominant financial institutions (58% of the economy) and now Obama has asked for action after all his polls slipped. But Obama has paid off the bankers to keep his job abd beenhiding their criminal misdeeds, the question is why? Do we have a collusion of criminals at the highest levels of our governemnt, the Fed and the banks while we pay the price in lives, health, jobs, homes, they relax at the Hamptons with billions in bonuses for failure.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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