Thursday, May 27, 2010

Geithner: U.S., Europe Broadly Agree On Financial Reform Details

Here's everything you need to know - Geithner is bad and very very evil and he is Obama's partner in the destruction of the american economy and from theit the world economy. In fact in terms of direct impact on out day to day lives - Geithner is probably the most evil and malignant force on the planet. Geithner's hate for our system is so deep that he will do anything to keep his friends in power (banks) and ruin the rest of the world. The fact he is Obama's pet tells you everything about Obama. Thsi is where the bailouts and bonuses - this is the architect along with Bernake of the collapse of american economy - literally this is the guy who destroyed your life and the lives of your family - $2 trillion in giveaways because of this man and we have nothing to show for it - nothing but a ruined economy and bankers giving parties with their bonuses in the Hamptons
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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