Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jon Voight: Obama 'Rapes This Nation' (VIDEO)

OK, so Jon has not real idea of the definition of the word socialistor marxist - netier do most people whose use them at the drop of a hat. But his pont about Obama and hislies is accurate - this is whatis so frustrating about being associated with the Tea Party movement. People have been indoctrinated with slogams that have no meaning. I am a Tea party type and believe that all incumbents must go. All of them vote them out - you want change - vote them all out. Bush was a liar and a thief and had us kill over 100,000 men, women and children in Iraq - sorry americans that's what the guy did, suck it up. Obama is meausring up to the same scale. Massive lies - he maintains big financial meltdown myth and fed the banks billions with no strings, they collapse the economy and says their savvy and deserve the billions in bonuses you paid them and it only starts from there.. Everything the man says regarind economy policy (inclusing healthcare) is a piece of hyrpctitical garbage and from a financial point of view he matches Bush on spitting on the american economy and bankrupting this country. Stop the payoffs - stop Obama - vote out all incumbentsi n 2010.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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