Monday, April 5, 2010

Big Banks Dominate U.S. Banking System: Study

I guessing I am missing the point - Tim G and Ben B in conjunction with their cultural clique - which also controls all the top banks create a fiction that these banks were too big too fail and in such trouble need bailouts with no strings or the world would collapse. This lie is so big it remains essentially unchallenged. So they created the big lie and it's destroys the economy with Obama's approval, support and ecouragement. After destroying the economy and squeezing out their competition - Obama further enriches the same banks with foreclosure programs that again subsidizes their business making the Obama giveaway program over $1 trillion. The same banks, controlled by the same group most with the same background, somehow manahge to come out on top and why're suppposed to see this as amazing and not planned as an outcome of destroying and collapsing the economy and making sure that millions of lives were destroyed by the same banks through control of the credit markets. Bear in mind that almost all dems supported the wholesale slaughter and giveaways.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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