Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Top Fed Official Calls For U.S. To Break Up Megabanks

Since the country is firmly on the path to Obamacide, isn;t it ironice that now after the mega banks have all been bailed out by Obama and Obama made sure they paid themselves billions in bonuses and thsoe same banks which are mostly friends and have cultural ties with Geithner are now the bad guys. Last week Obama said they were savvy. In february 2009 the Reps voted against the bailout based on the lie of financial meltdown and the dems voted for the big banks and to make them bigger and they effectively voted to destroy the american economy by Obama's order. But now they are the bringers of light. Where was all this morality to chnage whenthe time was right to do it and we could have millions their homes and jobs. It never happened bacuase and his minions were busy selling out you and your children's future. Belive me the Reps are no saints as they protetced Bush from scrutiny as we invaded Iraq and flushed $1 trillion away for no reason. Vote all the bums out in 2010 that you can - all of them. There is not one incumbent at local, state or federal level that is deserving of your confidence.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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