Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bernanke: Financial Crisis 'Largely Behind Us'

The biggest financial criminal in the last one hudred years is telling he may be looting your past, present and future. Yes, he was one of the creators of the BIG LIE - that there was a financial crisis and we should bail out banks with no strings and give them billion in bonuses for failure. Guys this the bidlie - Ben and Tim G precipitated the collapse of the american economy so they could aid their banking and in most cases cultural comrades. Eeverytme you see his face and Tim G and Obama's remember these are the people who actively to destroy america with unnecessary debt - If you bush was bad and he was. It bears no comparison to the overarching fraud being carried out with the same sheep like americans who have been going along with Iraq for 8 years. Wake up americans - vote out all incumbents all of them. Don't you guys know when you;ve been had? Eeverytime a big bank CEO steps up they are laughing at you and the millions in foreclosure and the millions out of work and the millions of lives they've devastated with Obama's support. And when they're done saying sorry they big up theit billions in bonuses and drive away in their mercedes to their house in the Hamptons laughing this time a big belly laugh at how stupid we all are.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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