Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama's Wall Street Speech: FULL TEXT

Quick fact check - who awarded the banks $700 billion and a provided mortgage kickback program and when they gave themselves billions in bonuses did nothing biut talk? Wasn't it the same guy who. as the banks absorbed all the available d=credit and crashed the eocnomy said the bankers were savvy and his friends. Now after giving away the country with no accountability and no strings and no interest in all the money the received from the Fed and now they banks who got the bailouts have taken over the eocnomy again - whoi stands up to counted? Obama, the blessed Obama - the right place - worng time Obama. It's not better late than never. Obama fostered and nutured the destruction of the US economy and destroyed the lives of millions of americans to achieve his selfish political ends. To compare him to FDR is worse than garbage. It is a fabrication of history. One energy trader at SG received a $90 million - that's right $90 million tax payer funded bonus and Obama did nothing but call him a friend. vote out all incumbents in 2010 - all of them no matter who they are.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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