Monday, April 5, 2010

Fiscal Folly

Kuttner, as usual is off his meds again but also as usual only half the time and this creates a certain schizophrenia. He is basically right in his analysis about the bad guys, although he seems to leave out 8 Bush years and a trillion and a half dollar in wars and medicare boondoggles and he maintains the big lie that there was a financial crisis in the large banks that required Obama to layout $700 bilion and destroy the outstanding credit in the market. All the outlays that Obama has done have in fact collapsed the economy because they have not created a mental or fiscal platform for the economic action. The bad are still in power they still do the same things, etc. - there is no postive energy to get things moving - this is because of Obama. The government needs to stop spending and start taking the banks to court, destroying the reputation of their backers like Tim G. If that means a socia, or military program gets cut - so be it. WE need to stop spedning and start gettting our money back by selling off the assets of all banks that were given money under TARP and erinvigorating small and regional banks.. Obamahas created and exacerbated this mess by his willingness to throw money without direction and expect results.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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