Monday, April 5, 2010

More Than 200,000 Could Lose Unemployment Benefits This Week

Everybody - lift your hands in a cheer for Obamanomics! This is the theory that if you give large banks $700 billion and they give themselves bilions in bonuses and dry up the country's credit markets that this will save the country. This is followed by the logic that says job loss, unemployment, foreclosures, etc are somehow not connected to the banks bailouts. Then comes the $1 trillion pork package that is untargeted and without any controls and produces nithing except lining the pockets of Obama politicians. The piece d'resistance - a free trillion dollar healthcare package that wil raise taxes, has now funding mechanism that makes any sense and implode the economy again in 4 years. And what do we hear squawked about - Unemployment benefits which are paid for out of the deficit. Can we say fairly that the media is suffering from cranial rectal inversion and out politicians have serious optical rectumitis? This is the economy and it's all about money - who has it and whose getting it and what they do with it -- 3 strikes and you're out Obama. Vote out allincumbents at every level of government - no matter who - Isn't it time our country stepped away from Obamacide before it too late?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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