Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bill Maher Blasts Tea Baggers For Ignoring Defense Spending (VIDEO)

what is he babbling about i am willing to cut defense - just like i am willing to tax every banker that got a bonus from Obama money and get dime we gave away with interest - that insludes all colateral money. Just like I am willing to cut and rop Obamacare. WE need to realizethat we are broke, Canada and Mexico won;t attack soon and try to some rational thinking for a change. Will some people complain because the government isn;t subsidizing them -like the bankers -- but sorry guys the gravy train is up and don;t believe end of the world scenarios - banks, defense - none of it. Vote them all out in 2010 - al of them -- nomatter who.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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