Tuesday, April 13, 2010

After Hobnobbing With Bankers, McConnell Attacks Wall Street Reform

Sorry Chris your on and off abse at the same time which must be confusing - first - it is Obama that has caused the currrent banking bailout and bonus sutuation that led to the collapse of the economy - so now telling me he has meningful legislation after he he gives away $700 billion in tax dollars and he gives banks that we [paid for award over 6 billion in failure bonuses - there's your meanfu legislationin action - lies and compounded deceit. This Obama legislation is too little too late and so poorly worded at the present time as too be a sham - dare I say healthcare. Where is your sense of integrity? Is McConnel a hypocrite - absolutely - does he have the morality oa snake> absolutley but who collapsed the economy in an ongoing conspiracy with the Fed and Treausury to make sure no one gets behaind the Big Lie pf the financial meldown? Obama.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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