Thursday, April 29, 2010
Top Senate Democrat Questions Obama Foreclosure Program's Effectiveness
Gow can you question something's effectiveness - the implication is that is had been effective. Obama's Forecloure plan, which is actually another subsidy to his savvuy banking friends has been a failure. All loans and loan criteria are now controlled and owned by the governemnt - that's right - there is virtually no private lending going on in this country since Obama nationalised the loan business. 95% of al loans go through Fannie Mae r Freddie Mac. 95% . Loan criteria or better stated as Obama loan requirments as he is responsbile is ridiulous while he has over $1 Trillion in free money and subsidies to bankers and they have made in billions in bonuses bilking Americans and destroying the eocnomy. While he said to us that these are savvy business men and his friends who deserve to destroyt ourlives and our country - it is clear the Obama only wants to make sure the rich stay rich and he wants to make he devastates the middle class - this is plan for the total destruction of the eocnomy - every majorhe has undertaken has been designed to ruin our way of life. Why? I have no idea - bailouts, stimulus, climate change, healthcare - all design to explode the deficit
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Saturday, April 24, 2010
Frank Rich: Wall Street 'Laughing All The Way To The Bank'
Hey anybody out there get it yet - there never was a financial crisis or meltdown - never. There was only a small group conected by cultural and business interests that got paqid off by Tim G at the NYC Fed. That's why there were no srings, no accountability, etc. The banks took massive tax payer dollars and absorbed the available credit and collapsed the economy. This could all have been stopped and the economy recentered if Obama had not endorsed the banks and Tim Gs unethical and immoral and illegal bnehavior and put over $1 trillion into their hands for nothing. This entire economic mess is Obama's fault - his lies on all issues is on par with the likes of Bush II. Vote out all incumbents in 2010 - shoot all the CEOs of all major banks, tax all the bonuses banks hgave their emplouess into t he ground.
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Bill Maher Blasts Tea Baggers For Ignoring Defense Spending (VIDEO)
what is he babbling about i am willing to cut defense - just like i am willing to tax every banker that got a bonus from Obama money and get dime we gave away with interest - that insludes all colateral money. Just like I am willing to cut and rop Obamacare. WE need to realizethat we are broke, Canada and Mexico won;t attack soon and try to some rational thinking for a change. Will some people complain because the government isn;t subsidizing them -like the bankers -- but sorry guys the gravy train is up and don;t believe end of the world scenarios - banks, defense - none of it. Vote them all out in 2010 - al of them -- nomatter who.
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Thursday, April 22, 2010
Obama's Wall Street Speech: FULL TEXT
Quick fact check - who awarded the banks $700 billion and a provided mortgage kickback program and when they gave themselves billions in bonuses did nothing biut talk? Wasn't it the same guy who. as the banks absorbed all the available d=credit and crashed the eocnomy said the bankers were savvy and his friends. Now after giving away the country with no accountability and no strings and no interest in all the money the received from the Fed and now they banks who got the bailouts have taken over the eocnomy again - whoi stands up to counted? Obama, the blessed Obama - the right place - worng time Obama. It's not better late than never. Obama fostered and nutured the destruction of the US economy and destroyed the lives of millions of americans to achieve his selfish political ends. To compare him to FDR is worse than garbage. It is a fabrication of history. One energy trader at SG received a $90 million - that's right $90 million tax payer funded bonus and Obama did nothing but call him a friend. vote out all incumbents in 2010 - all of them no matter who they are.
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Jon Stewart Takes On Goldman Sachs Fraud Case (VIDEO)
as usual - great stuff - the only thing he leaves out is that it was and is Obama that has funded and supported SG and all the big banks. He gave the $700Billion - not incluidng hundreds of billions in mortgage kickbacks. It is Obama that has created the entire bonus issue - it is Obama that vouched for their actions calling them savvy and his friends and it is Obama that put reform for the creators of the worst econ disaster in 80 years on the back burned until his ratings have fallen into the ground and he was forced to go aftre the rabbit. Of course it was important the spend over $2 trilllion in unfunded tax money, not including healthcare gate
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Thursday, April 15, 2010
Another Top Fed Official Calls For U.S. To Break Up Megabanks
Since the country is firmly on the path to Obamacide, isn;t it ironice that now after the mega banks have all been bailed out by Obama and Obama made sure they paid themselves billions in bonuses and thsoe same banks which are mostly friends and have cultural ties with Geithner are now the bad guys. Last week Obama said they were savvy. In february 2009 the Reps voted against the bailout based on the lie of financial meltdown and the dems voted for the big banks and to make them bigger and they effectively voted to destroy the american economy by Obama's order. But now they are the bringers of light. Where was all this morality to chnage whenthe time was right to do it and we could have millions their homes and jobs. It never happened bacuase and his minions were busy selling out you and your children's future. Belive me the Reps are no saints as they protetced Bush from scrutiny as we invaded Iraq and flushed $1 trillion away for no reason. Vote all the bums out in 2010 that you can - all of them. There is not one incumbent at local, state or federal level that is deserving of your confidence.
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Jon Voight: Obama 'Rapes This Nation' (VIDEO)
OK, so Jon has not real idea of the definition of the word socialistor marxist - netier do most people whose use them at the drop of a hat. But his pont about Obama and hislies is accurate - this is whatis so frustrating about being associated with the Tea Party movement. People have been indoctrinated with slogams that have no meaning. I am a Tea party type and believe that all incumbents must go. All of them vote them out - you want change - vote them all out. Bush was a liar and a thief and had us kill over 100,000 men, women and children in Iraq - sorry americans that's what the guy did, suck it up. Obama is meausring up to the same scale. Massive lies - he maintains big financial meltdown myth and fed the banks billions with no strings, they collapse the economy and says their savvy and deserve the billions in bonuses you paid them and it only starts from there.. Everything the man says regarind economy policy (inclusing healthcare) is a piece of hyrpctitical garbage and from a financial point of view he matches Bush on spitting on the american economy and bankrupting this country. Stop the payoffs - stop Obama - vote out all incumbentsi n 2010.
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After Hobnobbing With Bankers, McConnell Attacks Wall Street Reform
Sorry Chris your on and off abse at the same time which must be confusing - first - it is Obama that has caused the currrent banking bailout and bonus sutuation that led to the collapse of the economy - so now telling me he has meningful legislation after he he gives away $700 billion in tax dollars and he gives banks that we [paid for award over 6 billion in failure bonuses - there's your meanfu legislationin action - lies and compounded deceit. This Obama legislation is too little too late and so poorly worded at the present time as too be a sham - dare I say healthcare. Where is your sense of integrity? Is McConnel a hypocrite - absolutely - does he have the morality oa snake> absolutley but who collapsed the economy in an ongoing conspiracy with the Fed and Treausury to make sure no one gets behaind the Big Lie pf the financial meldown? Obama.
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Thursday, April 8, 2010
Bernanke: Financial Crisis 'Largely Behind Us'
The biggest financial criminal in the last one hudred years is telling he may be looting your past, present and future. Yes, he was one of the creators of the BIG LIE - that there was a financial crisis and we should bail out banks with no strings and give them billion in bonuses for failure. Guys this the bidlie - Ben and Tim G precipitated the collapse of the american economy so they could aid their banking and in most cases cultural comrades. Eeverytme you see his face and Tim G and Obama's remember these are the people who actively to destroy america with unnecessary debt - If you bush was bad and he was. It bears no comparison to the overarching fraud being carried out with the same sheep like americans who have been going along with Iraq for 8 years. Wake up americans - vote out all incumbents all of them. Don't you guys know when you;ve been had? Eeverytime a big bank CEO steps up they are laughing at you and the millions in foreclosure and the millions out of work and the millions of lives they've devastated with Obama's support. And when they're done saying sorry they big up theit billions in bonuses and drive away in their mercedes to their house in the Hamptons laughing this time a big belly laugh at how stupid we all are.
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Monday, April 5, 2010
Big Banks Dominate U.S. Banking System: Study
I guessing I am missing the point - Tim G and Ben B in conjunction with their cultural clique - which also controls all the top banks create a fiction that these banks were too big too fail and in such trouble need bailouts with no strings or the world would collapse. This lie is so big it remains essentially unchallenged. So they created the big lie and it's destroys the economy with Obama's approval, support and ecouragement. After destroying the economy and squeezing out their competition - Obama further enriches the same banks with foreclosure programs that again subsidizes their business making the Obama giveaway program over $1 trillion. The same banks, controlled by the same group most with the same background, somehow manahge to come out on top and why're suppposed to see this as amazing and not planned as an outcome of destroying and collapsing the economy and making sure that millions of lives were destroyed by the same banks through control of the credit markets. Bear in mind that almost all dems supported the wholesale slaughter and giveaways.
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More Than 200,000 Could Lose Unemployment Benefits This Week
Everybody - lift your hands in a cheer for Obamanomics! This is the theory that if you give large banks $700 billion and they give themselves bilions in bonuses and dry up the country's credit markets that this will save the country. This is followed by the logic that says job loss, unemployment, foreclosures, etc are somehow not connected to the banks bailouts. Then comes the $1 trillion pork package that is untargeted and without any controls and produces nithing except lining the pockets of Obama politicians. The piece d'resistance - a free trillion dollar healthcare package that wil raise taxes, has now funding mechanism that makes any sense and implode the economy again in 4 years. And what do we hear squawked about - Unemployment benefits which are paid for out of the deficit. Can we say fairly that the media is suffering from cranial rectal inversion and out politicians have serious optical rectumitis? This is the economy and it's all about money - who has it and whose getting it and what they do with it -- 3 strikes and you're out Obama. Vote out allincumbents at every level of government - no matter who - Isn't it time our country stepped away from Obamacide before it too late?
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Fiscal Folly
Kuttner, as usual is off his meds again but also as usual only half the time and this creates a certain schizophrenia. He is basically right in his analysis about the bad guys, although he seems to leave out 8 Bush years and a trillion and a half dollar in wars and medicare boondoggles and he maintains the big lie that there was a financial crisis in the large banks that required Obama to layout $700 bilion and destroy the outstanding credit in the market. All the outlays that Obama has done have in fact collapsed the economy because they have not created a mental or fiscal platform for the economic action. The bad are still in power they still do the same things, etc. - there is no postive energy to get things moving - this is because of Obama. The government needs to stop spending and start taking the banks to court, destroying the reputation of their backers like Tim G. If that means a socia, or military program gets cut - so be it. WE need to stop spedning and start gettting our money back by selling off the assets of all banks that were given money under TARP and erinvigorating small and regional banks.. Obamahas created and exacerbated this mess by his willingness to throw money without direction and expect results.
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Friday, April 2, 2010
Top Fed Official Wants To Break Up Megabanks, Stop The Fed From Guaranteeing Wall Street's Profits [EXCLUSIVE]
where was he in 2008 and 2009 when his distinguished colleague, Tim G. destropyed america so his clique of friends could get bailed out - interesting most of his were of the same cultural background as he is. just a factual comment. If they weren't old NY buddies who probably went to their kids BarMiitzvahs - would these banks have gotten their no strings bailouts and bonuses that banktuprted the credit system of the country - Tim G did that and Obama has supported him down the line in the collapse of the american economy. Why does Tim G care more about saving the elite of his ethnic group (i hope none of you are kidding yourselves about this) than americans and what does Obama owe this elite sub group who would slice the throats of their own people (Madoff) for a few bucks. How long are we going to let these guys run our government and steal our money? This Fed reserve guy has the riight - where wa he 2 years ago when we needed. Don;t believe the Big Financial Meltdfown lie designed to shield this sub-group. Pretty soon you'll in WMDs
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