Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Treasury Department Makes Robust Effort To Repair Image, Acknowledges Messaging Problems
Joe Wilson moment - lies, lies,. lies and mow lies. Here is the guy who used his influence to destroy the american economy in order to enrich his friends. The Fed in NYC is the mort banking org inthe world andhe led it. There was no financial meltdown - nothinginthe numbers supports it. Geithner so called eocnomics. It was a bailout to friends among friends and collapsed the american economy and the Obama reward for total failure but givingt him Treasury Department. The idea of comparing of what would have happened under a hypothetical Rep admin is beyond itiotic.. The comparison is not giving the banks anything and do a reorg of the finaical system and breaking these guys up and porbably most in proson. The tale of imment disaster is spawned by those who sat in secret meetings with their friends and agrred to line each other's pockets at our expense. There was and is no reaosn to expect that the economy wouldhave gone to 25% unemployment - total BS and fiction. AMEXwent doen, Merrill went down and AIG went down. Ifthey had reorged legimately unstead of under duress created by the FED and the Treausry - we wouldhad a downs wing but a big deal. Local and regionalbanks are fine - only the firends of the Fed had trouble. If you are out of a job and losing your house - thank Obama, Geithner and their savvy banking friends.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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