Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fat Acceptance Group: Gabby Is Not Necessarily Unhealthy

Obesity and poor nutrition are the primary cause for all health issues - heart, cancer, diabetes, gout, ED, you name it - too much fat is the major reason. As a result being obese is also single largest driver for spiraling health care costs. Average Medicare cost for an obese boomer under Medicare is $4,000 more a yearthan for nin-obese boomer and 60% are obese. So obese and fat people are also the reason we all pay higher insurance premiums, etc. Sorry, fat people and your acceptance group - those are the facts. You go to the doctor more because you have more ailments because you are fat and poorly nourished. and the rest of us pay for to go thereby encouraging you to stay fat. I don;t mind you eating porrly and being obese - thta's your choice - what I don;t wantto do hear you guys whining whenyou can't fit into a seat and ask for special accomodations and finally whatI hate is having to subsidize your fatness - through hiddent taxes, higher insurance premiums, etc. Get ona good nutrtion program, do some exercise and get a body style so you canbe proud of your appearance.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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