Wednesday, March 3, 2010

RNC Handbook Plays On 'Fear,' Mocks Donors

OK - meana nd nasty - what's your point. A litle perspective - in $q08 while Bush was building the road to our econ ruin by the unecessary bailout of AIG, AMEX and Merrill Lynch Republicans were lamening that they would out of power for 8 years. In comes Obama and takes over right where Bush began - bailing out big banks and passingout huge billion dollar bonuses in taxpayer money that absorbed the available credit and collapsed the economy. Obama did this when he could have stood and done the right thing for the country - reorged the financial sector, held some trials, gooten back the bonus and bailout money and not lent anymore. It is from this personal and leadership failure that the collapse of his administration begins. Everything is connected to this event - even healthcare and the number of peoplewho have insurance - it;s not affordability it's that they don;t have jobs and the Obama induced recession has scared them. This has created the space for the republicans and the creation of the teabaggers. Nothing else. .If had done the right thing - we would be in the middle of a speedy recovery and his chorus of Bush do it would fall on open ears. Point fingers wherethey belong
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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