Thursday, March 11, 2010

Senators Target Wall Street, With Goldman Sachs In Mind

16 months and this is it? Where was this legislation in 1Q09 - laying around gathering dust while the banks got $700 billion in giveaways for a mythical financial crisis they created. Still no tax on the bonuses,. no criminality for past actions. It took 15 months and a destroyed economy to produce thsi leguslation taht is so monumnetally simple. Where has Obama been - other than fiddling while Rome burns - he was making sure his savvy business buddies got over $200 billion in bonuses from your money and doing nothing while they absorbed all thecredit and starved the american economy. THis is what teabaggers are screaming about - 16 months to recognize the greatest economic disaster in our history and still not quite getting it - banking regs do it, no oversight did it, let's back to 30's legistlation, BUT no pointing some fingers at the people responsnible - names, addresses, nothing. It's like al came out the fog.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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