Friday, March 12, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Will Not Include Public Option In Final Bill

Can we just depth charge this piece of mismatched, budget busting, pork laden, tax increasing legislation? What is the point - the dems and especially Obama were fools to advance this ill defined and conceived bill at a time of economic depression with millionsout of work and deficits exploding. When it comes to political judgement they were out to lumch. Not to mention - it's just a bad bill that does mothing for the quality of health. Dems and Reps - it's the economy - it always has been the economy. Every rep that voted for bailouts or against the restruring the financial sector and going after the creators of the financial fraud should be ejected from their jobs. Oh that's right all of them either kissing Wall Street's butt or having it kissed. Don;t you so-called leaders understand that apeasement with the economic hitlers of the 21st Century doesn;t work? These are the bad guys they are not good and there is nothing good about them. They have stolen our future just as they are destroying our present. Voote out all incumbents in 2010 and you have paid them $200 billion in bonuses to do it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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