Sunday, March 14, 2010

Michael Lewis 60 Minutes Interview: Wall Street Bonuses 'A Very Elegant Form Of Theft' (VIDEO)

A light in the darkness of politcal mindlessness. Let's get it straight - there was and is no financial crisis requiring bailouts and bonuses and destruction of the american economy. Banks caused the destruction of the because they were bailed out and absorbed all the capital. They knew what they were doing evil and corruption of Bernake, Geithner is absolutle. Their minions or dupesor coconspirators are Bush and Obama. When Obama took office he had a chnace to chnage but didnt; do it and has done nothing - this is the heart of his personla andpolitcal failure. Sorry Obamaites = that's it ina nutshell. The President willing and with completeknowledgeof what he was doing saold his country to the large bankers so they could loot the treasury with no accountability and destroy the lives of milionsof hard working americans. Now if Bush was in office - he would have done the same thing but Obama didn;t have to - he came in with a mandate of change and chose to starve children, bankrupt state governments, increase taxes, give the villians jobs, call financial criminals savvy, etc. How could one man do some much to harm us all so quickly. How could he collude with themost eveil focres inour country to demolish the lives of so many. He looks so clean and packaged on the outside butinside he depth of depravity must run so deep - Iprefer to thin that rather than is a total blithering idiot who has to have
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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