Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Big Business, GOP Complain That Health Reform Slashes Corporate Welfare

This author is on serious meds and must be onthe far side of Obamacrats who like to takje th truth ans twist reality where $700 nbillion in bank bailouts is good for the taxpayer logic. What the author is sugffering from is something known as cranial rectal inversion. The healthcare benefits from business have always been subsidzed - always and it not the driug piece. It's the whole system. You don;t get taxed for benefits although they are income and businessses receive a tax benefit too - everybody gets to ride the tax break bus. So let's move past the hypocrisy Ryan and your big words like coporate welfare - you are a nitwit. This is the failure of Obamacare aside from the fact the tax savings are a lie as Lindesey Graham reported yesterday. Our system is one massive price support mechanism to disguise the escalating costs of out of control medical services. and corporations and small businesses are absolutely right. In order to cover to their balance sheets becasue this tax break is gone - their costs will go up. If they go up enough - prices go up. But once again with the Obama economic defciti shell game. Comsumers will continue to expect governemnt pork individually to keep them alfloat while it sinks the nation as a whole.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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