Monday, March 29, 2010

Lindsey Graham Compares Health Care Reform Financing To A "Ponzi Scheme"

Hello - Anyone with a brain operating out there - this would exclude Obamacrats. The finaicing issue has always been ludicrous - from a straight line 10 years analaysis to money shuffling - this is a budget buster from the word go and a total scam. All who voted for this simply couldnot place the interests of the country above giivng a failed president a phyrric victory. My qiestion is - where was Graham and ilk when we need these questions played out in the media - nowhere. Instead they drivelled on about death panels. Graham should be ashamed that he did not talk substance when he had the chance - he did a disservie to Amercia. Get it guys - they ALL don;t care about their country just their small meaningless agendas. Vote them all out in 2010 - all of them at the federal, state and local level. Join me in real change - not talk talk and send the same self righteous jokers back to to do something they are incapable of.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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